As the Trinity City artist team made this comic, three themes came into focus: COMMUNITY SAFETY, DISABILITY JUSTICE, and CLIMATE CHANGE.
Louisianians live with these issues every day. We are one of the poorest, most polluted states in the country. AND also a state filled with strong communities, vibrant cultures, and deep roots.
What do we do to create a vibrant and healthy state? How do we take care of our communities, and call out those who put communities in danger? How do we take care of the land and water that bring us fish, crabs, deer, alligators, recreation, and relaxation?
Check out the questions and links below to GO DEEPER. And if you have more ideas for articles, websites, TV shows, books to help us go deeper, email us at: trinitycitycomics@gmail.com
In Trinity City, Blake tries to claim his territory by putting art on buildings. The robot police run him off, and tell him he has no right to do so. When have you felt that powers greater than you are changing your neighborhood to make it less livable for you, and more livable for outsiders? Explore this article about how one community worked together to make their neighborhood more livable for themselves: https://www.yesmagazine.org/economy/2017/06/13/philadelphias-alternative-to-gentrification-spreads-opportunity-to-all-corners
In Trinity City, the poor people have been displaced to the “under city” while wealthy people live on dry, elevated “L.I.L.I Pads”. What are ways that you have experienced people being pushed out of their neighborhood or home? Read this article about the Claiborne overpass in New Orleans, and how it displaced people and shattered a thriving Black business area: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/20/us/claiborne-expressway-new-orleans-infrastructure.html
In Trinity City, even though life is a struggle, characters find community through music, friends, education and family. Where do you find community and fun even when times are tough? Explore this website about a long time community center in New Orleans: https://www.ashenola.org/history
And this article about Zydeco Trail Rides in South Louisiana – a long-standing community ritual: https://www.southerncultures.org/article/louisiana-trail-riders/
In Trinity City, residents are policed by the X78 robots, who have no human connection to them. Who do you feel connected to in your community? Who are your protectors? What makes you feel safe? Watch this short video about a teen activist fighting for the things that make her feel safe in her community: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzXaK3gT8Ww
In Trinity City, Marcus suffers from seizures and Blake suffers from a disability that makes it hard for him to see. What is your experience with visible and invisible disabilities in yourself, your family and friends? Meet these disability rights activists who are fighting for justice: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/what-disability-justice-means
And read this article about an invisible disability, ADHD: https://greatist.com/health/is-adhd-a-disability#working-with-adhd
And read about these teen activists working to imagine the safe, vibrant world they want to live in: https://www.dosomething.org/us/articles/11-young-black-activists-changing-the-world
The character of Marcus (he/him) lives with epilepsy - he may look able-bodied when walking down the street, but seizures can arrive at any time. Read more about this condition and its care here: https://www.today.com/health/teens-story-depression-goes-viral-8c11356040
The character Morgan (she/her) lives with depression. Depression in teens has always been an issue, but became more prevalent during the pandemic. Here are three articles about teens living with depression:
A teen girl’s story: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/mental-health/cdc-report-teen-sadness-girls-respond-rcna71073
Information and resources for nonbinary teens living with depression: https://onlinecounselingprograms.com/resources/44-self-esteem-resources-for-nonbinary-adolescents-and-teens/
A teen boy’s story: https://www.today.com/health/teens-story-depression-goes-viral-8c11356040
Hotlines for youth suffering from mental health issues: https://theyouthalliance.com/resources/help-hotlines/
The character of Blake (they/them) lives with severe corneal scarring from an accident during a flood which killed his parents. They wear thick glasses to help them see, and the way they see the world influences their art work. Here is some more information about corneal scarring: https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/cornea/corneal-scar/
As we work to live in a state and world that is accessible to all, we can be guided by the 10 principles of disability justice: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5bed3674f8370ad8c02efd9a/t/5f1f0783916d8a179c46126d/1595869064521/10_Principles_of_DJ-2ndEd.pdf
As you read Trinity City, where do you believe the characters see themselves on a hierarchy of all living things? Do you think humans see themselves at the top? The bottom? Somewhere in between? How do you relate and connect to nature in your daily life? Do you feel interconnected with nature? Or more or less powerful than nature? Explore this article about the interconnectedness of humans and nature: https://theconversation.com/humanity-and-nature-are-not-separate-we-must-see-them-as-one-to-fix-the-climate-crisis-122110
In Trinity City, all the characters are living with the future effects of Climate Change, including sea level rise. How is climate change affecting your life and community? Explore climate change here: https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/what-is-climate-change
And read about the ways climate change can displace people here: https://hakaimagazine.com/news/protection-for-the-rich-retreat-for-the-poor/
In Trinity City, people in the future re-use things we throw away today, like duckweed, trash, and old highways. When you think about things we throw away but could re-use, what comes to your mind? Explore this website about a gardener who teaches people to grow fresh food on lots people have left behind, repurposing wood to create garden beds and containers: https://ronfinley.com/